
spatial property中文是什么意思

  • [网络] 空间属性



  • 例句与用法
  • 80 percent or above of the system data has its spatial property, moreover the application of the spatial data management is very popular
  • The experiments indicate that neighbor slices can be auto-segmented by the method using the similar spatial properties
  • Furthermore, most objectives concentrate in northward, planning areas . studies of soil spatial properties in southern hilly areas begin in recent years
  • Virtual reality in digital city strengthened the interaction with user, made the relation closer between geographic entity's spatial and non-spatial property . it has great theory and practice significance in digital city's research
  • With the deepening researches on cellular nonlinear networks and chaos, great progresses have been made in the theoretical and applied researches on chaotic phenomena in cnn . since it has very complex dynamical behavior, the understanding of the pattern formation or spatial properties of cnn is far from perfection
  • Based on the data obtained from an activity survey of heze citizens, the thesis focuses on the basic characteristics of people's choice on leisure activities, and detailed analysis on the characteristics of the leisure space system in heze from the aspects of individual property, social property and spatial property
  • 2, the definition of the srm for the division of marine functional zonation as well as the calculate methods this paper defines the functional zonation as the objectives and sets of spatial properties and relational attributes . the relational attributes here include the natural characteristics for each functional zonation, and each characteristic is the member element of the attribute set
  • In tourism research, the introduction of the term " tourism region " can not only help to understand regional integration degree and spatial property of tourism factors, but help to realize the link between regions in the field of tourism development as well as the style, characteristic and strength of spatial interactions
  • With the setting up of new stages, reforms on a theatre's architectural style, spatial structure and mode of performance, and bringing forth new plays, the theatre's integral atmosphere, social functions and spatial properties all had changes, and consequently it turned itself from an entertainment place in general to a critical public space
  • With the development of economics, the autonmation of distribution management is an urgent need . because of the spatial property of the data of the distribution network, the geography imformation system ( gis ) can process the spatial data to meet the needs of distribution management that mis can not
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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